Organising Sticker Collections - Part 1
I have a confession - I am obsessed when it comes to organisation. Whether it be throughout my home, my business, in my planner, my finances - basically anything and everything can and will be organised in my life!
So naturally a (large) collection of planner stickers must also be organised, because ultimately, if your stickers aren’t organised properly, they just don’t get used properly.
This can then mean :
you’ll end up buying more stickers which you’re most likely doubling up on stickers you already have.
you’ve now added even more to that large pile you’re already struggling to use
Your planning plan is less effective and fun because well let’s admit it, it just becomes too hard and overwhelming!
Does this sound a little familiar?
Here are some tips to help get on top of all those planner stickers.
First let’s think about a few key elements
Think about how you plan and how you implement stickers into your planning. Are you purely functional or do you love decorative? Are you no white space or are you minimal stickers only?
Consider how you buy your stickers Do you have your 1 or 2 go to sticker shops? Do you have specific shops for specific stickers?
Consider what storage tools you feel work best for you? Is it in a sticker Album or in storage boxes?
What size is your collection as this will strongly influence the correct methods and space consideration.
If you prefer albums, what kind of albums? Are they fixed albums or folders where you add additional storage pockets?
If you have sticker sheets that have only a couple of stickers left on them, how will you store these?
Once you have those foundations figured out :
Now sort your stickers
by theme or category, such as holidays, fitness
By function, such as functional, decorative, icons
By Sticker shop
Use dividers to separate the different categories.
Label each category so you can easily find what you're looking for.
Consider keeping a list or inventory of your stickers so you don’t run out or to avoid buying duplicates. This is particularly helpful if you are a functional planner who uses the same stickers over and over again
Store your stickers in a dry and cool place to prevent them from losing their stickiness or discolouring.
In Part 2 we will break down the tools of the trade for the best sticker organisation along with a look at my own personal sticker collection organisation. Make sure you join us below to be alerted when Part 2 is live.